
We appreciate your interest.
Please contact us:


Straight Up Missions is a registered 

501(c)3 organization.

All your donations are tax deductible.

Text the amount to 844-970-4838


For TEXT to GIVE send text to the phone number above and then the amount then space and write the name of the missionary or ministry. For example 10 sawyer. Thats it! you just gave $10 to Travis and Laura Sawyer. Ministries will be abbreviated:

mca is Mara Christian Academy

mch is Mara Childrens Home

clinic is Straight Up Medical

Projects is any of the listed projects


Donate Stock


When you click on the Donate Stock button it will take you to www.stockdonator.com you can fill out all the details there and you will receive a tax deductible receipt.

Donate by Check

If you would like to support by check, make check payable to Straight Up Missions with a note attached for the missionary or project you would like to support. Send checks to:

Straight Up Missions
P.O Box 460
Robbinsville, NC, 28771

Donate Today

We accept donations by credit card, debit card, bank draft (ACH) and PayPal

Monthly or One-Time Donation


You will have the option to choose what missionary or project you wish to donate to.

For Credit Card, Debit Card or bank draft, click the red Donate Now button.

Click the yellow "Donate" button below to donate with your PayPal account

Recurring Monthly

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